Saturday, 25 February 2017

Going to the Dogs- Martigny 19/02/2017

Sunday 19/02/2017

 Early morning start in Geneva to get to Martigny.
I arrived around 9.10, dropped my bag at the room with a combination of my poor French and her non-existent English. Then I wandered down the street to the St Bernard Museum- Barry Land!!! It was such a quaint little village.

This is the view from the train from Geneva
Martigny Village

Barry Land!!!!

It was lucky they had this sign because I was so excited!

I was the first person at the museum when they opened at 10. It is an interesting building. There are three levels. The dogs are on the bottom floor with two or three dogs to each room which has an upper and lower level and a doggy door to the outside. As St Bernards sleep 16-18 hrs a day, it was unsurprising that most of them were getting more beauty sleep but one was keeping her eye on the kitchen. They were so beautiful with their big droopy eyes.

 Upstairs there was a history display that covered the origin and purpose of the breed as well as their presence through media and advertising.

 Then I went back downstairs for a cuddle.

Then bought half the gift store including the worlds softest beanie and scarf.

Then I dropped some things back at the room and walked to the train to Champax-Lac. I had to catch two trains and a bus to get there and because the bus timetable is very irregular (but prompt) I got there one hour early so I had lunch.

Then I met the beautiful dogs and went for a walk. One dog was pulling a sledge that the little boy got to ride in. She was very excited and wanted to bounce around a bit. The others were all really well behaved- no pulling or stopping (except for the necessities)
They didn't mind the cold and were happy to walk and enjoy the scenery and attention.

This is actually a frozen lake.

It was lovely to spend time with such kind dogs in such picturesque surrounds where they were bred to be.

It was fantastic!!

I walked across the lake for fun and more photos.

At all the train stations there are people wearing their ski stuff either going to or from ski fields

Then bus/train/train back to the room for a quiet, early night.

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